- AS 9100D Certified
- Over 20+ years of manufacturing product experience
- Ability to support the product’s full lifecycle from NPI through end-of-life
- Automated first article inspection & verification process
- In-line inspection capabilities which includes:
- 3D Solder Paste Inspection (SPI)
- 3D Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)
- X-Ray – 3D Dage Quadra 3 X-Ray
- Ability to automatically place and inspect smallest componentry in the industry; 008004 Imperial Code
- Customized quality reporting, device history recordkeeping, traceability to the component level
- Counterfeit Part Prevention Program
- Ability to support hybrid leaded/unleaded component mix on products
- IPC-A-610
Experience includes:
- Satellite Communication
- Aerospace
- Defense